Incorrect balance on the inKind App
We are sorry to hear that you have recently purchased a House Account and your credit balance displays as $0. You've likely run into a small issue with your email credentials, which can usually be corrected by logging out then logging back in with the correct email address.
Account email doesn't match purchase email
When you log in to the inKind App for the first time after purchasing a House Account, you should be taken directly to the home screen where your correct credit balance will be displayed. If you have logged in to the inKind App using a different email address than the one you purchased with, you will be prompted to create a new account, then select your restaurant, before seeing a $0 balance on the home screen. This is a sign that your email addresses do not match. Please log out, then log back in with the same email address associated with your purchase.
If you continue being prompted to create an account or if your balance still shows as $0, review the next section as there could be a typo preventing you from accessing your account.
Email address typos
You may have made your purchase on-the-fly or mistyped your email address when you logged in to the inKind App for the first time. Some common mistakes include:
.con instead of .com
@gail instead of @gmail
@mail instead of @gmail
@gnail instead of @gmail
@yaho instead of @yahoo
If you received a purchase confirmation email but your balance displays as $0 on the inKind App
You have likely mistyped your email address when logging into the inKind App. Please log out, then log back in using the same email address you used to purchase. You will be taken to the home screen where your correct account balance will be displayed.
If you never received a purchase confirmation email and your balance displays as $0 on the inKind App
You may have incorrectly entered your email address when you made the initial House Account purchase. Please contact so we can help you access your credit!
I had added more than $700 to my InKind wallet on March 10 and I had been using InKind without any issue until today. When I went to the InKind app, there was a message that said my account didn’t exist and my balance was $0. All my restaurant visit history was erased. I know I had at least a $300 balance in my InKind wallst as of April 30th because I had used InKind on April 30th at The Modern. Why was my account deleted and what happened to my balance????
SAME!!! I had over a $100 credit left in my account and now it's gone. What is going on??
I am having the same issue. I totally planned on using inKind this weekend. I tried logging on this morning on the app and noticed it was saying that my email was not associated with an account. I was afraid to re-enter my email address/create a new profile and mess something up, but customer service appears to only be automated messaging and I'm not sure how else to get support at this point. I also have at least $300 at stake here. I just started using inKind in April. At this point this product feels like a scam, which is sad. I hope that at a minimum we are refunded our initial investment (especially if we paid to be members) because we are not even able to use our membership at this point.
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